
发布时间:2011年1月6日 作者:未知 查看次数:13792




; 用下列命令进行编译和链接:
; ml /c /coff win322-1.asm
; rc win322-1.rc
; link /subsystem:windows win322-1.obj win322-1.res
;                   使用各种资源----记事本程序的编写
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap : none
        include          \masm32\include\windows.inc
        include          \masm32\include\kernel32.inc
        includelib        \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
        include          \masm32\include\user32.inc
        includelib          \masm32\lib\user32.lib
        include          \masm32\include\comdlg32.inc
        includelib          \masm32\lib\comdlg32.lib
        include          \masm32\include\comctl32.inc
        includelib          \masm32\lib\comctl32.lib
        include                \masm32\include\gdi32.inc
        includelib        \masm32\lib\gdi32.lib
        include          \masm32\include\shell32.inc
        includelib        \masm32\lib\shell32.lib
        CDN_FILEOK                equ        CDN_FIRST-0005h
        CDN_INITDONE            equ     CDN_FIRST - 0
        CDN_SELCHANGE           equ     CDN_FIRST - 1
        OFN_ENABLESIZING        equ        00800000h
        IDM_MENUHELP1                equ        700
        IDM_MENUHELP2                equ        701
        IDM_MENUHELP3                equ        702
        IDM_MENUHELP4                equ        703
        IDM_MENUHELP5                equ        704
        IDM_MENUHELP6                equ        705
GB2312_CHARSET equ 1
        IDC_MAIN                equ        100
        IDM_MAIN                equ        200
        IDA_MAIN                equ        300
        DLG_MAIN                equ        400
        DLG_GOTO                equ        1000
        IDC_RICHEDIT                equ        1010
        IDM_NEW                        equ        101
        IDM_OPEN                equ        102
        IDM_SAVE                equ        103
        IDM_SAVE_AS                equ        104
        IDM_PAGE_SETUP                equ        105
        IDM_PRINT                equ        106
        IDM_EXIT                equ        107
        IDM_UNDO                equ        108
        IDM_CUT                        equ        109
        IDM_COPY                equ        110
        IDM_PASTE                equ        111
        IDM_DEL                        equ        112
        IDM_FIND                equ        113
        IDM_FIND_NEXT                equ        114
        IDM_REPLACE                equ        115
        IDM_GOTO                equ        116
        IDM_CHECK_ALL                equ        117
        IDM_TIME_DATE                equ        118
        IDM_LINE_WRAP                equ        119
        IDM_FONT                equ        120
        IDM_STATUS_BAR                equ        121
        IDM_HELP                equ        122
        IDM_ABOUT_NOTEPAD        equ        123
        IDM_TOOL_BAR                equ        124
        ID_EDIT                        equ          500
        IDC_PREVIEW                equ        600
        ID_STATUSBAR                equ        800
        ID_WINMAIN                equ        900
        ID_OK                        equ        201
        ID_CANCEL                equ        202
        OFNOTIFYEX        struct
        hdr                NMHDR        <>
        lpOpenFileName        OPENFILENAME        <>
        lpsf                dword        ?
        lpIdItem        dword        ?
        OFNOTIFYEX        ends
        hInstance        dd        ?
        hWinMain        dd        ?
        hMenu                dd        ?
        hEdit                dd        ?
        hEdit2                dd        ?
        hIcon                dd        ?
        SetPaste        dd        ?
        @hDlg                dd        ?
        @hEdit           dd        ?
        hClipboard        dd        ?
        lpOldProc        dd        ?
        _lpMem                dd        ?
        _flag                db        ?
        _JFlag                dd        ?
        hFile                dd        ?
        hHeap                dd        ?
        hHeap2                dd        ?
        lpHeap                dd        ?
        lpPrintBuffer        dd        ?
        lpNumByte        dd        ?
        lpVirtualMem        dd        ?
        FrId                dd        ?
        hFind                dd        ?
        lpFindMem        dd        ?
        dwFindNext        dd        ?
        hReplace        dd        ?
        hStatusBar        dd        ?
        hToolbarWnd        dd        ?
        oldEditProc        dd        ?
        hDlg                dd        ?
        hDc                dd        ?
        hFont                dd        ?
        @dwHighSize        dd        ?
        @dwLowSize        dd        ?
        szPrinter        dd        MAX_PATH dup (?)
        szFileName        dd        MAX_PATH dup (?)
        lpBuff0                dd        1024 dup (?)
        lpBuff1                dd        1024 dup (?)
        szFindText        dd        MAX_PATH dup (?)
        szReplaceText        dd        MAX_PATH dup (?)
        logfont                LOGFONT                <?>
        stFr        FINDREPLACE  <sizeof  FINDREPLACE,0,0,FR_DOWN  or  FR_HIDEWHOLEWORD,szFindText,szReplaceText,sizeof  szFindText,sizeof  szReplaceText,0,0,0>
        stButton        equ        this          byte

        szClassName        db        "MYNotepad",0
        szDefCaption        db        "无标题",0
        szCaption        db        "记事本",0
        szNotCaption        db        "无标题",0
        szFilter        db        "文本文档案(*.txt)",0,"*.txt",0,"ASM文档(*.asm)",0,"*.asm",0,"ALL FILE(*.*)",0,"*.*",0,0
        szSaveYesOrNo        db        "你的文件%s已经修改过,是否保存文档?",0
        szDefExt        db        "txt",0
        szSaveDialog        db        "保存",0
        szSaveAs        db        "另存为",0
        szClass                db        "EDIT",0
        szErrPerson        db        "错误",0
        StatusBarCount        dd        400,-1
        szSetText        db        "请选择文件进行预览",0
        szExisting        db        "文件 %s 已经存在,确定要覆盖它吗?",0
        szLnCol                db        "Ln %d,Col%d",0
        FINDMSGSTR        db        "commdlg_FindReplace",0
        szMenuHelp        dd        0,IDM_MENUHELP1,0,0       
        ceshistr        db        "%s",0
        ceshi                db        "%d",0
        chengong        db        "记事本完成了,谢谢使用",0
        szTextOut        db        "指定行超出控件文本行数",0
        szNotFound        db        "找不到%s",0
        szTime                db        "%d:%02d  %04d-%02d-%02d",0
        szAbout1        db        "模拟记事本程序",0
        szAbout2        db        "kiki-------梁越洋",0
        szFont                db        "宋体",0
        szApi                db        "该功能还在修改中,暂不提供",0
        szHelp                db        "怎么不会用要看帮助文件?不会吧!!都说模拟记事本拉,肯定是象记事本那样子使用拉:-)",0
_SetFont                proc        uses          ebx  esi  edi

        invoke  CreateFont,logfont.lfHeight,logfont.lfWidth,logfont.lfEscapement,\
                logfont.lfOrientation,logfont.lfWeight,dword ptr  logfont.lfItalic,\
                dword  ptr  logfont.lfUnderline,dword  ptr  logfont.lfStrikeOut,\
                dword  ptr  logfont.lfCharSet,dword  ptr  logfont.lfOutPrecision,\
                dword  ptr  logfont.lfClipPrecision,dword  ptr  logfont.lfQuality,\
                dword  ptr  logfont.lfPitchAndFamily,offset  logfont.lfFaceName
        .if        eax
        mov        hFont,eax
        invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,WM_SETFONT,hFont,TRUE
_SetFont                endp
_ChooseFont                proc        uses          ebx  esi  edi
        local        @stCF:CHOOSEFONT

        invoke  RtlZeroMemory,addr  @stCF,sizeof  CHOOSEFONT
        mov        @stCF.lStructSize,sizeof  CHOOSEFONT
        push        hInstance
        pop         @stCF.hInstance
        push        hWinMain
        pop        @stCF.hWndOwner
        mov        @stCF.lpLogFont,offset logfont
        invoke  ChooseFont,addr  @stCF
        .if         eax
        mov        eax,@stCF.iPointSize
        shl        eax,1
        invoke  _SetFont
_ChooseFont                endp
Dlg_Proc                proc        uses          ebx  esi  edi  _hDlg,_uMsg,_wParam,_lParam
        local        @hDlgEdit
        local        @szDlgCount

        mov        eax,_uMsg
        .if        eax  ==  WM_CLOSE
        invoke  DestroyWindow,_hDlg
        .elseif        eax  ==  WM_COMMAND
        mov        eax,_wParam
                .if        ax  ==  ID_OK
                invoke  GetDlgItemInt,_hDlg,IDC_RICHEDIT,0,0
                push        eax
                invoke  GetDlgItem,_hDlg,IDC_RICHEDIT
                invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_GETLINECOUNT,0,0
                pop        ecx
                        .if        ecx > eax
                        invoke  MessageBox,0,offset  szTextOut,0,MB_OK
                        mov        eax,ecx
                        dec        eax
                        invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_LINEINDEX,eax,0
                        invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_SETSEL,eax,eax
                        invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_SCROLLCARET,0,0
                        invoke  SendMessage,_hDlg,WM_CLOSE,0,0
                .elseif  ax  == ID_CANCEL
                        invoke  SendMessage,_hDlg,WM_CLOSE,0,0
        mov        eax,FALSE
        mov        eax,TRUE
Dlg_Proc                endp
EditWndProc                proc        _hWnd,_uMsg,_wParam,_lParam

        mov        eax,_uMsg
        .if         (eax  ==  WM_KEYDOWN)  ||  (eax ==  WM_KEYUP)
        call    _SetState
        .elseif  eax  ==  WM_LBUTTONDOWN  ||  eax  ==  WM_LBUTTONUP
        call        _SetState
        invoke  CallWindowProc,oldEditProc,_hWnd,_uMsg,_wParam,_lParam
EditWndProc                endp
_TestSf                        proc  uses          ebx  esi  edi  _address,_count,_address2

        mov        ecx,_count
        mov        esi,_address
        mov        edi,_address2
        mov         al,byte ptr [esi]
        .if        al >="A"  &&  al <= "Z"
        add        al,20h
        mov        bl,byte ptr [edi]
        .if        bl >="A"  &&  bl <= "Z"
        add        bl,20h
        dec        ecx
        inc        esi
        inc        edi
        sub        al,bl
        .break         .if        al != 0
        .until         ecx == 0
        .if        !ecx  &&  ZERO?
        mov        eax,TRUE
        jmp        @f
        mov        eax,FALSE
        and        stFr.Flags,not FR_MATCHCASE
_TestSf                        endp
_FindReplace                proc  uses          ebx  esi  edi
        local  @stRange:CHARRANGE
        local  @LowSize,@HighSize,@Flags,@dwReturn
        invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_GETSEL,addr  @stRange.cpMin,addr  @stRange.cpMax
        mov         eax,@stRange.cpMax
        mov        @stRange.cpMin,eax
        invoke  GetWindowTextLength,hEdit
        inc          eax
        mov          @HighSize,eax
        invoke  VirtualAlloc,NULL,eax,MEM_COMMIT  or  MEM_RESERVE,PAGE_READWRITE
        mov          lpFindMem,eax
        invoke  GetWindowText,hEdit,lpFindMem,@HighSize
        invoke  lstrlen,offset  szFindText
        inc          eax
        mov          @LowSize,eax
        mov          ebx,@stRange.cpMin
        mov           @Flags,ebx
        push        ebx
        invoke  GetWindowTextLength,hEdit
        cmp        eax,0
        jz        _NotF
        pop        ebx
        add         ebx,lpFindMem
        mov          esi,ebx
        mov          edi,offset  szFindText
        .if        !(stFr.Flags  &  FR_MATCHCASE)
        invoke        _TestSf,esi,@LowSize,edi
                .if        eax
                jmp        @f
        mov          ecx,@LowSize
        repe          cmpsb
        .if          ecx ==  0  &&  ZERO?
        jmp        @f
        inc        @Flags
        mov        ebx,@Flags
        mov        edx,@HighSize
        sub        edx,@LowSize
                .if          ebx  <=  edx
                jmp        @b
                jmp        _NotF
@@:        mov          edx,@Flags
        add        edx,@LowSize
        dec        edx
        invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_SETSEL,@Flags,edx
        mov        @dwReturn,1
        jmp        _End
_NotF:        invoke  wsprintf,offset  lpBuff1,offset  szNotFound,offset  szFindText
        invoke  MessageBox,hWinMain,offset  lpBuff1,offset  szCaption,MB_OK
        mov        @dwReturn,0
_End:        invoke  VirtualFree,lpFindMem,0,MEM_DECOMMIT  or  MEM_RELEASE
        invoke  RtlZeroMemory,offset  lpBuff1,sizeof  lpBuff1
        mov          lpFindMem,0
        mov        dwFindNext,-1
        mov        eax,@dwReturn
_FindReplace                endp
_FindReplace2                proc        uses        ebx  esi  edi
        local  @LowSize,@HighSize,@Flags,@dwReturn
        local  @stRange:CHARRANGE

        invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_GETSEL,addr  @stRange.cpMin,addr  @stRange.cpMax
        mov         eax,@stRange.cpMin
        mov        @stRange.cpMax,eax
        invoke  GetWindowTextLength,hEdit
        inc          eax
        mov        @HighSize,eax
        invoke  VirtualAlloc,NULL,eax,MEM_COMMIT  or  MEM_RESERVE,PAGE_READWRITE
        mov          lpFindMem,eax
        invoke  GetWindowText,hEdit,lpFindMem,@HighSize
        invoke  lstrlen,offset  szFindText
        inc          eax
        mov          @LowSize,eax
        mov          ebx,@stRange.cpMax
        sub        ebx,@LowSize
        inc        ebx
        mov         @Flags,ebx
    &n, bsp;   cmp        ebx,-1
        jle        _Err
        add        ebx,lpFindMem
        mov          esi,ebx
        mov          edi,offset  szFindText
        .if        !(stFr.Flags  &  FR_MATCHCASE)
        invoke        _TestSf,esi,@LowSize,edi
                .if        eax
                jmp        @f
        mov          ecx,@LowSize
        repe        cmpsb
        .if          (ecx  ==  0)  &&  ZERO?
        jmp        @f
        dec         @Flags
        mov         ebx,@Flags
                .if          ebx  >= 0
                jmp        @b
                jmp        _Err
        mov          edx,@Flags
        add        edx,@LowSize
        dec        edx
        invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_SETSEL,@Flags,edx
        mov        @dwReturn,1
        jmp         _Ex
_Err:        invoke  wsprintf,offset  lpBuff1,offset  szNotFound,offset  szFindText
        invoke  MessageBox,hWinMain,offset  lpBuff1,offset  szCaption,MB_OK
        mov        @dwReturn,0
        invoke  VirtualFree,lpFindMem,0,MEM_DECOMMIT  or  MEM_RELEASE
        invoke  RtlZeroMemory,offset  lpBuff1,sizeof  lpBuff1
        mov          lpFindMem,0
        mov        dwFindNext,-1
        mov        eax,@dwReturn
_FindReplace2                endp
_pfnCall                proc  uses  ebx  esi  edi _dwCookie,_HeapMem,_dwNumByte,_lpNumByte

        .if  _dwCookie
        invoke  WriteFile,hFile,_HeapMem,_dwNumByte,_lpNumByte,0
        invoke  ReadFile,hFile,_HeapMem,_dwNumByte,_lpNumByte,0
_pfnCall                endp
_CheckModify                proc  uses  ebx  esi  edi
        invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_GETMODIFY,0,0
        .if  eax
        invoke  wsprintf,offset  lpBuff0,offset  szSaveYesOrNo,offset  szFileName
        invoke  MessageBox,hWinMain,offset  lpBuff0,offset  szCaption,MB_YESNOCANCEL
                .if  eax  ==  IDYES
                call  _SaveFile
                mov  eax,1
                .elseif  eax ==  IDNO
                mov  eax,-1
        mov  eax,0
_CheckModify                endp
_PageSetup                proc        uses ebx esi edi
        local        @stPage : PAGESETUPDLG

        invoke  RtlZeroMemory,addr  @stPage,sizeof  @stPage
        mov        @stPage.lStructSize,sizeof  PAGESETUPDLG
        push        hWinMain
        pop        @stPage.hwndOwner
        invoke  PageSetupDlg,addr  @stPage
        .if        eax && @stPage.hDevMode
        mov        eax,@stPage.hDevMode
        mov        eax,[eax]
        invoke  wsprintf,offset  szPrinter,offset  ceshistr,eax
_PageSetup                endp
_PrintDc                proc        uses        ebx  esi  edi
        local        @PrintSize
        local        @Doc : DOCINFO

        invoke  CreateDC,NULL,offset  szPrinter,NULL,NULL
        mov        hDc,eax
        .if        hDc
                .if        szPrinter
        invoke  GetWindowTextLength,hEdit
        inc          eax
        mov          @PrintSize,eax
        invoke  GetProcessHeap
                .if          eax  && (eax  <  0C0000000H)
                mov          hHeap2,eax
        invoke  HeapAlloc,hHeap2,HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS  or  HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE or\
                .if          eax  &&  (eax  <  0c0000000h)
                mov          lpPrintBuffer,eax
        invoke  GetWindowText,hEdit,lpPrintBuffer,@PrintSize
        invoke  StartDoc,hDc,NULL
        invoke  StartPage,hDc
        invoke  TextOut,hDc,10,10,lpPrintBuffer,@PrintSize
        invoke  EndPage,hDc
        invoke  EndDoc,hDc
        invoke  HeapFree,hHeap2,NULL,lpPrintBuffer
        invoke  RtlZeroMemory,offset  szPrinter,sizeof  szPrinter
_PrintDc                endp
_MadeApplication        proc  uses  ebx  esi  edi

        invoke  CreateWindowEx,0,offset  szClass,NULL,\
                  OR  WS_VSCROLL  or  ES_NOHIDESEL  or  ES_AUTOHSCROLL  or  WS_HSCROLL,\
        mov  hEdit,eax
        invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_LIMITTEXT,0,0
        invoke  CreateFont,-16,0,0,\
                FF_MODERN,offset  szFont
        .if        eax
        mov        hFont,eax
        invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,WM_SETFONT,hFont,TRUE
        invoke  SetClipboardViewer,hWinMain
        mov          hClipboard,eax
        invoke  CreateStatusWindow,SBARS_SIZEGRIP  or  WS_CHILD  or  WS_VISIBLE,0,hWinMain,ID_STATUSBAR
        mov        hStatusBar,eax
        invoke  SendMessage,hStatusBar,SB_SETPARTS,2,offset  StatusBarCount
        invoke  CreateToolbarEx,hWinMain,TBSTYLE_FLAT  or  WS_CHILD  or  WS_VISIBLE  or  TBSTYLE_TOOLTIPS  or  CCS_ADJUSTABLE,\
                ID_WINMAIN,0,HINST_COMMCTRL,IDB_STD_SMALL_COLOR,offset  stButton,15,0,0,0,0,sizeof  TBBUTTON
        mov        hToolbarWnd,eax

        invoke  GetCommandLine
        mov        esi,eax
        mov        edi,offset  szFileName
_1:        lodsb
        cmp        al,22H
        jz        _5
_3:        or        al,al
        jz        _4
        cmp        al,20h
        jz        _1
        mov        [edi],al
        inc        edi
        cmp        al,20h
        jz        _4
        jmp        _3
_5:        lodsb
        cmp        al,22H
        jz        _1
        jmp        _5

        .if        szFileName
        mov        _JFlag,1
        jmp        near ptr _IsJpAddress
_6        equ  THIS  BYTE
_MadeApplication        endp
_SetState        proc  uses  ebx  esi  edi
        local          @wParam,@lParam
        local        @stRg:CHARRANGE
        local        @LineIn,@Length
        local        @Buffer

        invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_GETSEL,addr  @stRg.cpMin,addr  @stRg.cpMax
        invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_LINEFROMCHAR,-1,0
        mov        @LineIn,eax
        invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_LINEINDEX,eax,0
        mov        edx,@stRg.cpMin
        sub        edx,eax
        inc        edx
        inc        @LineIn
        invoke  wsprintf,offset  lpBuff1,offset  szLnCol,edx,@LineIn
        invoke  SendMessage,hStatusBar,SB_SETTEXT,1,offset  lpBuff1
        invoke  RtlZeroMemory,offset  lpBuff1,sizeof  lpBuff1

        mov  eax,@stRg.cpMin
        .if  eax  ==  @stRg.cpMax
        invoke  EnableMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_CUT,MF_GRAYED
        invoke  EnableMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_COPY,MF_GRAYED
        invoke  EnableMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_DEL,MF_GRAYED
                .if        hToolbarWnd
                invoke  SendMessage,hToolbarWnd,TB_ENABLEBUTTON,IDM_CUT,FALSE
                invoke  SendMessage,hToolbarWnd,TB_ENABLEBUTTON,IDM_COPY,FALSE
        invoke  EnableMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_CUT,MF_ENABLED
        invoke  EnableMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_COPY,MF_ENABLED
        invoke  EnableMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_DEL,MF_ENABLED
                .if        hToolbarWnd
                invoke  SendMessage,hToolbarWnd,TB_ENABLEBUTTON,IDM_CUT,TRUE
                invoke  SendMessage,hToolbarWnd,TB_ENABLEBUTTON,IDM_COPY,TRUE
        invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_CANUNDO,0,0
        .if  eax
        invoke  EnableMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_UNDO,MF_ENABLED
        invoke  EnableMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_UNDO,MF_GRAYED
        invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_GETMODIFY,0,0
        .if  eax
        invoke  EnableMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_SAVE,MF_ENABLED
        invoke  EnableMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_SAVE_AS,MF_ENABLED
                .if        hToolbarWnd
                invoke  SendMessage,hToolbarWnd,TB_ENABLEBUTTON,IDM_SAVE,TRUE
        invoke  EnableMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_SAVE,MF_GRAYED
        invoke  EnableMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_SAVE_AS,MF_GRAYED
                .if        hToolbarWnd
                invoke  SendMessage,hToolbarWnd,TB_ENABLEBUTTON,IDM_SAVE,FALSE
_SetState        endp
_ReSize                proc  uses  ebx  esi  edi
        local          stRect  :  RECT
        local        @stRect :  RECT
        local        @Width,@Height,@Temp

        invoke  GetClientRect,hWinMain,addr  stRect
        mov        eax,stRect.right
        sub        eax,stRect.left
        mov        @Width,eax
        mov        eax,stRect.bottom
        sub        eax,stRect.top
        mov        @Height,eax

        invoke  IsWindowVisible,hStatusBar
        .if        eax
        invoke  MoveWindow,hStatusBar,0,0,0,0,TRUE
        invoke  GetWindowRect,hStatusBar,addr  @stRect
        mov        eax,@stRect.bottom
        sub        eax,@stRect.top
        sub        @Height,eax

        invoke  IsWindowVisible,hToolbarWnd
        .if        eax
        invoke  SendMessage,hToolbarWnd,TB_AUTOSIZE,0,0
        invoke  GetWindowRect,hToolbarWnd,addr  @stRect
        mov        eax,@stRect.bottom
        sub        eax,@stRect.top
        mov        stRect.top,eax
        sub        @Height,eax
        invoke  MoveWindow,hEdit,stRect.left,stRect.top,@Width,@Height,TRUE
_ReSize                  endp
_OpenHook        proc uses ebx esi edi _hDlg,_uMsg,_wParam,_lParam
        local  @FilePath[MAX_PATH]:BYTE
        local  @hFile,@ReadFileNum
        local  @ReadMem [2046]:BYTE

        mov  eax,_uMsg
        .if  eax  ==  WM_NOTIFY
        mov  esi,_lParam
        assume  esi : ptr NMHDR
                .if  [esi].code == CDN_FILEOK
                .elseif  [esi].code  ==  CDN_INITDONE
                invoke  GetParent,_hDlg
                mov  @hDlg,eax
                invoke  GetDlgItem,_hDlg,IDC_PREVIEW
                mov  @hEdit,eax
                invoke  SendMessage,@hEdit,WM_SETTEXT,0,offset  szSetText
                .elseif  [esi].code == CDN_SELCHANGE
                invoke  SendMessage,@hDlg,CDM_GETFILEPATH,MAX_PATH,addr  @FilePath
                invoke  CreateFile,addr  @FilePath,GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_READ,\
                mov  @hFile,eax
                        .if  eax  ==  INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
                        xor  eax,eax
                invoke  ReadFile,@hFile,addr  @ReadMem,2046,addr  @ReadFileNum,NULL
                invoke  SendMessage,@hEdit,WM_SETTEXT,0,addr  @ReadMem               
                invoke  CloseHandle,@hFile
        assume  esi : nothing,edi : nothing
        xor eax,eax
_OpenHook        endp
_OpenFile        proc  uses  ebx esi edi
                local  stOpenFile:OPENFILENAME

                        .if        hFile
                        invoke  CloseHandle,hFile
                invoke  RtlZeroMemory,addr stOpenFile,sizeof  OPENFILENAME
                mov          stOpenFile.lStructSize,sizeof  OPENFILENAME
                push          hWinMain
                pop          stOpenFile.hWndOwner
                mov          stOpenFile.Flags,OFN_ENABLESIZING  or  OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST  or \
                         OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST   or  OFN_HIDEREADONLY  or \
                                  OFN_EXPLORER or  OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE  or OFN_ENABLEHOOK
                push          hInstance
                pop          stOpenFile.hInstance
                mov          stOpenFile.lpTemplateName,DLG_MAIN
                mov          stOpenFile.lpfnHook,offset  _OpenHook
                mov          stOpenFile.lpstrFilter,offset  szFilter
                mov          stOpenFile.nMaxFile,MAX_PATH
                mov          stOpenFile.lpstrFile,offset  szFileName
                invoke  GetOpenFileName,addr  stOpenFile
                        .if         eax
                _IsJpAddress        equ  THIS  byte
                invoke        CreateFile,offset  szFileName,GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE,\
                                .if  eax  ==  INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
                                invoke  GetLastError
                                        .if          eax
                                        invoke  wsprintf,offset  lpBuff1,offset  ceshi,eax
                                        invoke  MessageBox,NULL,offset  lpBuff1,offset  lpBuff1,MB_OK
                                jmp  @f
                        mov          hFile,eax
                                .if        hFile
                                invoke        SetWindowText,hWinMain,offset  szFileName
                        invoke  GetFileSize,hFile,addr  @dwHighSize
                        add        eax,4
                        mov        @dwLowSize,eax
                        invoke  VirtualAlloc,NULL,@dwLowSize,MEM_COMMIT or  MEM_RESERVE,PAGE_READWRITE
                                .if  eax
                                mov        lpVirtualMem,eax
                        invoke  _pfnCall,0,lpVirtualMem,@dwLowSize,offset  lpNumByte
                        invoke         SetWindowText,hEdit,lpVirtualMem
                        invoke  VirtualFree,lpVirtualMem,0,MEM_DECOMMIT  or  MEM_RESERVE
                        invoke  CloseHandle,hFile
@@:        .if        _JFlag
        mov        _JFlag,0
        jmp        near  ptr  _6

_OpenFile        endp
_SaveFile        proc        uses ebx esi edi
                local  stOF : OPENFILENAME
                local  dwSize

                .if  szFileName
                jmp  _CreateFile
                invoke  RtlZeroMemory,addr  stOF,sizeof  OPENFILENAME
                push  hWinMain
                pop  stOF.hWndOwner
                mov  stOF.lStructSize,sizeof  OPENFILENAME
                mov  stOF.lpstrFilter,offset  szFilter
                mov  stOF.lpstrFile,offset  szFileName
                mov  stOF.nMaxFile,MAX_PATH
                mov  stOF.lpstrTitle,offset  szSaveDialog
                mov  stOF.Flags,OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST  or  OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST
                invoke  GetSaveFileName,addr  stOF
                .if  eax
_CreateFile:        invoke  CreateFile,offset  szFileName,GENERIC_READ or  GENERIC_WRITE,NULL,\
                        .if          eax  ==  INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
                        jmp          @f
                mov          hFile,eax
                invoke  GetWindowTextLength,hEdit
                inc          eax
                mov          dwSize,eax
                invoke  GetProcessHeap
                .if          eax  && (eax  <  0C0000000H)
                mov          hHeap,eax
                invoke  HeapAlloc,hHeap,HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS  or  HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE or\
                .if          eax  &&  (eax  <  0c0000000h)
                mov          lpHeap,eax
                pop          ecx
                invoke  GetWindowText,hEdit,lpHeap,dwSize
                invoke  _pfnCall,1,lpHeap,dwSize,offset  lpNumByte
                invoke  CloseHandle,hFile
                invoke  HeapFree,hHeap,NULL,lpHeap
                invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_SETMODIFY,FALSE,0
@@:                ret
_SaveFile        endp
_WndProc        proc  uses ebx esi edi  hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam
        local         @lpCL
        local          @stPt:PAINTSTRUCT
        local          stRt:RECT
        local        @stRange:CHARRANGE
        local        @stTime:SYSTEMTIME
        local        @wHour,@wMinute,@wYear,@wMonth,@wDay

        mov  eax,uMsg
        .if eax == WM_CLOSE
                call  _CheckModify
                .if  (eax == 1)  ||  (eax  ==  0)  ||  (eax  ==  -1)
                invoke  DestroyWindow,hWinMain
                invoke  PostQuitMessage,NULL
                invoke  ChangeClipboardChain,hWinMain,hClipboard
        .elseif        eax  ==  WM_CREATE
        mov  eax,hWnd
        mov  hWinMain,eax
        mov  stFr.hWndOwner,eax
        push hInstance
        pop  s, tFr.hInstance
        invoke  RegisterWindowMessage,addr  FINDMSGSTR
        mov  FrId,eax
        invoke   _MadeApplication
        call  _ReSize
        invoke         SetWindowLong,hEdit,GWL_WNDPROC,offset  EditWndProc
        mov        oldEditProc,eax
        .elseif  eax  ==   WM_PAINT
        invoke  BeginPaint,hWnd,addr @stPt
        invoke  EndPaint,hWnd,addr  @stPt
        .elseif  eax  ==  WM_COMMAND
        mov  eax,wParam
                .if  ax  ==  IDM_OPEN
                call _CheckModify
                cmp  eax,-1
                jz  @f
                invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_GETMODIFY,0,0
                        .if !eax
@@:                        call  _OpenFile
                .elseif  ax  ==  IDM_NEW
                invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_GETMODIFY,0,0
                        .if  eax
                        invoke  wsprintf,offset  lpBuff0,offset  szSaveYesOrNo,offset  szFileName
                        invoke  MessageBox,hWinMain,offset  lpBuff0,offset  szCaption,MB_YESNOCANCEL
                                .if        eax ==  IDYES
                                call        _SaveFile
                                .elseif eax ==  IDCANCEL
                                        jmp        @f
                        invoke  SetWindowText,hWinMain,offset  szNotCaption
                        invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_SETSEL,0,-1
                        invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,WM_CLEAR,0,0
                        .if        hFile
                        invoke  CloseHandle,hFile
                        invoke  RtlZeroMemory,offset  szFileName,sizeof  szFileName
                        invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_SETMODIFY,FALSE,0
                        invoke  _SetState
                .elseif  ax  ==  IDM_SAVE
                call  _SaveFile
                call  _SetState
                .elseif  ax  ==  IDM_SAVE_AS
                mov          szFileName,0
                call         _SaveFile
                call  _SetState
                .elseif  ax  ==  IDM_EXIT
                invoke  SendMessage,hWnd,WM_CLOSE,0,0
                .elseif  ax  ==  IDM_TIME_DATE
                invoke  GetLocalTime,addr  @stTime
                movzx        eax,@stTime.wHour
                mov        @wHour,eax
                movzx        eax,@stTime.wMinute
                mov        @wMinute,eax
                movzx        eax,@stTime.wYear
                mov        @wYear,eax
                movzx        eax,@stTime.wMonth
                mov        @wMonth,eax
                movzx        eax,@stTime.wDay
                mov        @wDay,eax
                invoke  RtlZeroMemory,offset  lpBuff1,sizeof  lpBuff1
                invoke  wsprintf,offset  lpBuff1,offset  szTime,@wHour,@wMinute,@wYear,@wMonth,@wDay
                invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_REPLACESEL,TRUE,offset  lpBuff1
                invoke  RtlZeroMemory,offset  lpBuff1,sizeof  lpBuff1
                .elseif         ax  ==  IDM_STATUS_BAR
                invoke  GetMenuState,hMenu,IDM_STATUS_BAR,MF_BYCOMMAND
                        .if        eax  &         MF_CHECKED
                        invoke  CheckMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_STATUS_BAR,MF_UNCHECKED
                        invoke  ShowWindow,hStatusBar,SW_HIDE
                        invoke  CheckMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_STATUS_BAR,MF_CHECKED
                        invoke  ShowWindow,hStatusBar,SW_SHOWNORMAL
                call        _ReSize
                .elseif  ax  ==  IDM_CHECK_ALL
                invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_SETSEL,0,-1
                .elseif  ax  ==  IDM_COPY
                invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,WM_COPY,0,0
                .elseif  ax  ==  IDM_CUT
                invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,WM_CUT,0,0
                .elseif  ax  ==  IDM_PASTE
                invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,WM_PASTE,0,0
                .elseif  ax  ==  IDM_UNDO
                invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_UNDO,0,0
                .elseif  ax  ==  IDM_DEL
                invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,WM_CLEAR,0,0
                .elseif  ax  ==  IDM_FIND
                and  stFr.Flags,not  FR_DIALOGTERM
                invoke  FindText,addr  stFr
                        .if  eax
                        mov  hFind,eax
                .elseif  ax  ==  IDM_FIND_NEXT
                        .if        stFr.Flags & FR_DOWN
                                or        stFr.Flags,FR_DOWN
                                invoke  _FindReplace
                                and        stFr.Flags,not  FR_DOWN
                                invoke  _FindReplace2
                .elseif  ax  ==  IDM_REPLACE
                and        stFr.Flags,not  FR_DIALOGTERM
                invoke  ReplaceText,offset  stFr
                        .if        eax
                        mov          hReplace,eax
                .elseif         ax  ==  IDM_TOOL_BAR
                invoke  GetMenuState,hMenu,IDM_TOOL_BAR,MF_BYCOMMAND
                        .if        eax  &  MF_CHECKED
                        invoke  CheckMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_TOOL_BAR,MF_UNCHECKED
                        invoke  ShowWindow,hToolbarWnd,SW_HIDE
                        invoke  CheckMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_TOOL_BAR,MF_CHECKED
                        invoke  ShowWindow,hToolbarWnd,SW_SHOWNORMAL
                call        _ReSize
                .elseif  ax  ==  IDM_GOTO
                invoke  CreateDialogParam,hInstance,DLG_GOTO,hWinMain,offset  Dlg_Proc,NULL
                mov        hDlg,eax
                invoke  SendDlgItemMessage,hDlg,IDC_RICHEDIT,EM_LIMITTEXT,12,0
                .elseif         ax  ==  IDM_PAGE_SETUP
                call         _PageSetup
                .elseif         ax  ==  IDM_PRINT
                call        _PrintDc
                .elseif  ax  ==  IDM_FONT
                invoke  _ChooseFont
                .elseif         ax  ==   IDM_ABOUT_NOTEPAD
                invoke  ShellAbout,hWinMain,offset  szAbout1,offset  szAbout2,hIcon
                .elseif  ax  ==  IDM_HELP
                invoke  MessageBox,hWinMain,offset  szHelp,offset  chengong,MB_OK
                .elseif  ax  ==  IDM_LINE_WRAP
                invoke  GetMenuState,hMenu,IDM_LINE_WRAP,MF_BYCOMMAND
                        .if  eax  &  MF_CHECKED
                                invoke  EnableMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_STATUS_BAR,MF_ENABLED
                                invoke  CheckMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_STATUS_BAR,MF_CHECKED
                                invoke  ShowWindow,hStatusBar,SW_SHOWNORMAL
                                invoke  CheckMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_LINE_WRAP,MF_UNCHECKED
                                invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_GETMODIFY,0,0
                                .if         eax
                                mov          _flag,1
                                invoke  GetWindowTextLength,hEdit
                                inc          eax
                                push          eax
                                invoke  GlobalAlloc,GPTR,eax
                                mov          _lpMem,eax
                                pop          ecx
                                invoke  GetWindowText,hEdit,_lpMem,ecx
                                invoke  GetClientRect,hWinMain,addr  stRt
                                invoke  DestroyWindow,hEdit
                                invoke  CreateWindowEx,0,offset  szClass,NULL,\
                                        WS_CHILD  OR  WS_VISIBLE  OR  ES_MULTILINE  OR                                          ES_WANTRETURN\
                                          OR  WS_VSCROLL  or  ES_NOHIDESEL  or  ES_AUTOHSCROLL  or                                          WS_HSCROLL,\
                                mov          hEdit,eax
                                invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_LIMITTEXT,0,0
                                invoke  SetWindowText,hEdit,_lpMem
                                invoke  GlobalFree,_lpMem
                                .if          _flag
                                invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_SETMODIFY,TRUE,0
                                mov          _flag,0
                                invoke  SetFocus,hEdit
                                invoke  _SetFont
                                invoke  CheckMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_STATUS_BAR,MF_UNCHECKED
                                invoke  EnableMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_STATUS_BAR,MF_GRAYED
                                invoke  ShowWindow,hStatusBar,SW_HIDE
                                invoke  CheckMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_LINE_WRAP,MF_CHECKED
                                invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_GETMODIFY,0,0
                                .if         eax
                                mov          _flag,1
                                invoke  GetWindowTextLength,hEdit
                                inc          eax
                                push    eax
                                invoke  GlobalAlloc,GPTR,eax
                                mov          _lpMem,eax
                                pop          ecx
                                invoke  GetWindowText,hEdit,_lpMem,ecx
                                invoke  GetClientRect,hWinMain,addr  stRt
                                invoke  DestroyWindow,hEdit
                                invoke  CreateWindowEx,0,offset  szClass,NULL,\
                                        WS_CHILD  OR  WS_VISIBLE  OR  ES_MULTILINE  OR  ES_WANTRETURN\
                                          OR  WS_VSCROLL  or  ES_NOHIDESEL,\
                                mov          hEdit,eax
                                invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_LIMITTEXT,0,0
                                invoke  SetWindowText,hEdit,_lpMem
                                invoke  GlobalFree,_lpMem
                                .if          _flag
                                invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_SETMODIFY,TRUE,0
                                mov          _flag,0
                                invoke  SetFocus,hEdit
                                invoke  _SetFont
                call        _ReSize
                .elseif  ax  ==  ID_EDIT
                call        _SetState
        .elseif  eax  ==  WM_SIZE
        call  _ReSize
        .elseif         eax  ==  WM_MENUSELECT
        invoke  MenuHelp,WM_MENUSELECT,wParam,lParam,lParam,hInstance,hStatusBar,offset  szMenuHelp
        .elseif  eax  ==  FrId
                .if          stFr.Flags  &  FR_DIALOGTERM
                mov          hFind,0
                .elseif   stFr.Flags & FR_REPLACE
                                .if  stFr.Flags & FR_DOWN
                                invoke  _FindReplace
                                invoke  _FindReplace2
                invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_GETSEL,addr  @stRange.cpMin,addr  @stRange.cpMax
                mov         eax,@stRange.cpMin
                        .if        eax  !=  @stRange.cpMax
                        invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_REPLACESEL,TRUE,offset  szReplaceText
                .elseif   stFr.Flags & FR_REPLACEALL
                        .while  TRUE

                                .if          stFr.Flags & FR_DOWN
                                or        stFr.Flags,FR_DOWN
                                invoke  _FindReplace
                                and        stFr.Flags,not  FR_DOWN
                                invoke  _FindReplace2
                                        .break  .if  eax ==  0
                        invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_GETSEL,addr  @stRange.cpMin,addr  @stRange.cpMax
                        mov         eax,@stRange.cpMin
                                .if        eax  !=  @stRange.cpMax
                                invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_REPLACESEL,TRUE,offset  szReplaceText

                .elseif   stFr.Flags & FR_DOWN
                        or        stFr.Flags,FR_DOWN
                        invoke  _FindReplace
                        invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_SCROLLCARET,0,0
                        and        stFr.Flags,not  FR_DOWN
                        invoke  _FindReplace2
                        invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_SCROLLCARET,0,0
        .elseif  eax ==  WM_INITMENU
        call  _SetState
        .elseif  eax  ==  WM_ACTIVATE
        mov          eax,wParam
                .if  (ax  ==  WA_ACTIVE)  ||  (ax  ==  WA_CLICKACTIVE)
                invoke  SetFocus,hEdit
                invoke  SendMessage,hEdit,EM_SCROLLCARET,0,0
        .elseif  eax  ==  WM_NOTIFY
        mov        ebx,lParam
                .if        [ebx+NMHDR.code]  ==  TTN_NEEDTEXT
                assume        ebx : ptr  TOOLTIPTEXT
                mov        eax,[ebx].hdr.idFrom
                mov        [ebx].lpszText,eax
                push        hInstance
                pop        [ebx].hInst
                assume  ebx : nothing
        .elseif  eax  ==  WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD
        invoke  IsClipboardFormatAvailable,CF_TEXT
                .if  eax
                invoke  EnableMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_PASTE,MF_ENABLED
                invoke  EnableMenuItem,hMenu,IDM_PASTE,MF_GRAYED
        invoke  DefWindowProc,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam
        xor  eax,eax
_OEN:        ret
_WndProc        endp
_WinMain        proc
        local        stWndClass:WNDCLASSEX
        local   stMsg:MSG
        local        @hAccelerators

        invoke  InitCommonControls
        invoke  GetModuleHandle,NULL
        mov          hInstance,e, ax
        invoke  LoadMenu,hInstance,IDM_MAIN
        mov          hMenu,eax
        invoke  LoadAccelerators,hInstance,IDA_MAIN
        mov          @hAccelerators,eax
        invoke  RtlZeroMemory,addr  stWndClass,sizeof  WNDCLASSEX
        push          hInstance
        pop          stWndClass.hInstance
        invoke  LoadIcon,hInstance,IDC_MAIN
        mov        hIcon,eax
        mov          stWndClass.hIcon,eax
        mov          stWndClass.hIconSm,eax
        invoke  LoadCursor,0,IDC_ARROW
        mov          stWndClass.hCursor,eax
        mov          stWndClass.cbSize,sizeof  WNDCLASSEX
        mov          stWndClass.lpfnWndProc,offset  _WndProc
        mov          stWndClass.lpszClassName,offset  szClassName
        mov          stWndClass.style,CS_HREDRAW  or  CS_VREDRAW
        mov          stWndClass.hbrBackground,COLOR_BTNFACE+1
        invoke  RegisterClassEx,addr  stWndClass
        invoke  CreateWindowEx,WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,offset  szClassName,offset  szCaption,\
        .if        eax
        mov          hWinMain,eax
        invoke  ShowWindow,hWinMain,SW_SHOWNORMAL
        invoke  UpdateWindow,hWinMain
                .while        TRUE
                        invoke        GetMessage,addr stMsg,NULL,0,0
                        .break        .if eax        == 0
                        invoke        TranslateAccelerator,hWinMain,@hAccelerators,addr stMsg
                        .if        eax == 0
                                invoke        TranslateMessage,addr stMsg
                                invoke        DispatchMessage,addr stMsg
_WinMain        endp
start:        call  _WinMain
        invoke  ExitProcess,NULL
end  start

E.Mail:sieye@sohu.com QQ:66697110